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Henry Seaton

Bus operations get more time for leasing and interchange rule

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has extended for one year until Jan. 1, 2018, the date by which interstate motor carriers transporting passengers involved in leasing or interchange agreements were to comply with new regulations assigning responsibility for violations during inspections, compliance reviews and crash investigation. FMCSA said an extension would allow time to review a number of petitions for reconsideration.

FMCSA's leasing and interchange rule followed a recommendation by the National Transportation Safety Board that the agency regulate the leasing of passenger carriers in much the same way as it regulates the leasing of for-hire property carriers. For a copy of the March 16 Federal Register notice, click here.

Avoid legal pitfalls

Rules of the Road offers practical help on avoiding legal pitfalls in working with customers, independent contractors, insurers, factoring companies, etc.

Many serious legal risks will go unnoticed unless you are watching for them. Don't take chances.

 Although successful food haulers already employ the common sense steps required in FDA's new transportation rule, declaring your compliance can help you stay competitive for spot-market freight. 

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